Deploy Hexo website to Azure static Webapp with GiHub actions

The Goal

I move my former wordpress based blog to a simple static website framework. In my case I made q quick research about potential frameworks and found for example:

and I found

And to be honest - the only reason why my selection was Hexo, was the simple way of installation and get ready. As well as the themes which where available for Hexo. So what I did I created a new repo on GitHub for my Blog and cloned it onto my machine and started with checking the prerequisites:

  • Node.js (Should be at least Node.js 10.13, recommends 12.0 or higher)
  • Git

All details can be found in the Hexo docs

Next Step after clone the empty repo

npm install -g hexo-cli

After that I was ready to initialize Hexo:

hexo init <foldername>
cd <foldername>
npm install

Once these commands are done - the initial folder structure is deployed and the Hexo journey can start. For more details on the configuration follow the documentation.

Build the static html sites

After some blog post are made or migrated e.g. from Wordpress (Hexo Migration Docs). The static webpages can be generated by just entering:

hexo generate

Alle files generated will than be found under the “public” folder of your Hexo folder.

deploy an Azure static website

Next I started to build an Azure static website to to afterwards deploy the Hexo generated html-files. A good way to make the Azure deployment is to leverage Azure Bicep code:

targetScope = 'resourceGroup'

param env string = 'prod'
param resourceLocation string = 'westeurope'

resource staticWebsite 'Microsoft.Web/staticSites@2021-01-15' = {
name: 'swa-${env}-website'
kind: ''
location: resourceLocation
properties: {
sku: {
tier: 'Free'
name: 'Free'

Use az deployment create to send this Deployment to your Azure subscription to a specific resource group ([see more Details in the docs).

Now that the static website is deployed the deployment secret can be found in the Azure Portal:

Azure Portal Static Website

The deployment token be copied into the clipboard to be used in the GitHub repo as a Secret for the deployment:

Azure Portal copy deployment token

Build the GitHub Action Workflow

Now to the interesting step - we need to create an GitHub Action Workflow to deploy our Hexo website.

Create a Workflow file

In the GitHub folder of your project you may find already a subfolder .github - in this folder the different workflow files will be stored in the subfolder .github/workflows. So in my case a created a workflow named “deploy-to-azure” as a yaml-file in that folder:

Screenshot in vscode of the folder